Post by Jaggeroth/Jerry/Grimey on Aug 16, 2013 3:58:08 GMT -4
Strong Foot Forward Match.
Shawn Scholes Vs. Chris Dolmeth Winner: Chris Dolmeth Judge: Jerry Nate.
Match #2
Bar Brawl!
Jerry Nate vs. Syn
vs. Kahlan lololololol WINNER!: I think all three went back behind the dumpster.
Match #3
Sickles match!
Vladimir Tepes Strife vs. Rurouni Winner!: Vladimir Tepes Strife. Judge: Jerry Nate
Match #4
Non title, singles
Rhaps vs. A.J Scalley Winner: And still not No Showing Champ! Rhaps! Judge: Common sense.
Pre-Main Event.
Tag Match
The Lumberjacks vs. Dark Court. Winners!: The LumberJacks Judge: Vlad.
Grimey's Main Eventz presents!
Stipulation: Non-title, singles
Aryana "Envy" Reinfield vs. Helena Ring Winner!: "Aryana" Envy "Reinfield" Judge: Jerry Nate
Remember, you're all winners in my book, just not in the history books. Alright, we'll see you all next Tuesday, where I promise to have a prettier set up, or give up and just use Nate's old one. Also, Rhaps will have to put his newly acquired KotDM title up in a rematch against the former champion, Big Jim.
P.S: If you're one of those people who has to know why they won/lost, pm the judge of your match and ask. I never believed in scolding someone in public.